After Procedure


After Procedure: What to Expect and What to Pay Attention To

One of the most critical phases of your hair transplant process is aftercare. Once you and your doctor complete a smooth and successful operation, there will be some things you will be encountering and some essential things you will need to avoid and pay attention to.

You will receive precise information about what you must and must not do. If you want natural-looking hair soon, you must follow these guidelines! A booklet will be handed to you with detailed aftercare instructions.

Bruised-Look of Your Scalp

After hair transplant surgery, your donor and recipient areas might appear bruised, and you will see red dot-like holes in the donor zone where the grafts are harvested. However, this is a temporary phase for your first few days! It is crucial to avoid touching the recipient area for the first two days. Bruising and red holes will heal within 7-10 days.

Redness or Pinkish Discoloration

Your donor and recipient areas may look red or pinkish after the procedure. This is normal and will fade gradually after the first 7-10 days.

Mild Pain After Hair Treatment

Although pain is uncommon after an FUE procedure, you may experience mild pain in your donor area on the first night. The mild painkiller your doctor prescribes will help ease discomfort, so do not worry.

Discharge from Donor/Recipient Area

During the first 1 to 2 nights after the hair transplant surgery, you may experience some discharge (blood or plasma). This is normal.


Swelling on your forehead and around the eyes is another possible outcome, typically occurring on days 3 and 4. Swelling usually reaches its peak on days 6-7 and subsides after that.

At Hair Garden Clinic, we provide our patients with anti-inflammatory medications to minimize swelling during the first few days.

After your transplant, pay attention to keeping your upper body elevated during sleep. Avoid lowering your head while using your phone or reading to reduce swelling.

Shock Loss

Do not be concerned if your hair sheds after the procedure. This is completely normal; it is a reaction of your body to the treatment you’ve received. You may experience shock loss in the transplanted area, donor area, or non-transplanted area.

Scabbing and Itching

Scabbing and itching are common post-surgery. An itchy feeling on your scalp signals healing. Scabbing may continue for 7-10 days after transplantation.


How Long Does the Healing Process Last? The donor area heals in 7-10 days, while the recipient area will take longer to fully heal. Healing is a journey that involves different stages. Growth of transplanted hair will begin within 2 to 4 weeks, and you may experience temporary shedding, called Shock Hair Loss. Full recovery and final results take 6-12 months.

When Can I See the Results? Hair transplant results are gradual:

  • The first visible results appear in 4-6 months.
  • Significant results are seen after 12 months.
  • Full results are achieved in 18 months.

Will I Need to Use a Bandage After the Procedure? If there is swelling in the forehead area, we will apply an elastic bandage to help manage it.

Wound dressings will be changed at Hair Garden Clinic the next day after surgery.

When Does Hair Transplant Start to Grow? Hair growth begins almost immediately after surgery. Within two weeks, you will see the first outgrowths as scabs begin to shed. Full maturation will continue up to 12-18 months after the procedure.

How Should I Sleep After the Hair Transplant Surgery? For the first 7-10 days (or up to 10 days in some cases), sleep on your back with your head elevated using two pillows and the neck pillow we provide. This will help prevent any pressure or damage to the transplanted grafts.

Can You Lose Transplanted Hair? Some patients may experience thinning in the area, referred to as shock loss, between 2-4 months. This is part of the healing process and is temporary.

Can I Take a Shower After the Procedure? You can take a shower, but avoid washing your scalp. Keep your body below the shoulder level if you want to shower right after the procedure. Do not stay in the shower cabin for long, and keep the door slightly open to avoid excessive steam.

You should avoid washing your hair for the first two days after the surgery. You can watch the video on our YouTube channel to learn how to wash your hair. If you experience more bleeding/discharge than usual, we may perform the first wash the following day after a doctor's evaluation.

When Can I Wash My Hair After the Procedure? Avoid washing your hair for the first two days after the surgery. Learn how to wash your hair from our YouTube video. After 10-14 days, you can wash your hair normally once the scabs have shed off.

Can I Use a Hair Dryer? Allow your hair to air dry for the first six months to avoid damage from heat. If you choose to use a hairdryer, set it to the lowest heat.

Can I Comb My Hair After the Procedure? You can comb your donor area but avoid combing the recipient area until after the first two weeks.

Can I Get a Haircut After the Procedure? You can get a haircut one month after the procedure. For the donor area, use clippers, and for the recipient area, use scissors during the first three months.

Can I Dye My Hair After the Procedure? Avoid chemical hair dyes for the first 6-8 weeks as they can damage the scalp and interfere with healing.

Can I Smoke After the Procedure? Smoking reduces oxygen and hampers blood circulation, which can hinder healing. Avoid smoking at least 12 hours before the procedure and for two weeks afterward.

Can I Drink Alcohol After the Procedure? Refrain from alcohol for the first 14 days post-surgery.

Can I Exercise After the Procedure? Avoid exercise for the first two weeks. After two weeks, you can engage in light exercises without weight lifting. After one month, you can return to regular activities, and after 2-3 months, you can resume contact sports like football, basketball, and martial arts.

Can I Wear a Hat or Scarf After the Procedure? You can wear the provided hat 4-5 days after surgery. Avoid wearing a hat/scarf for the first 10-14 days, especially if you had temple reconstruction, to avoid damaging the grafts. When it rains, use an umbrella to protect your scalp.

What About Sunlight Exposure? Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight for the first six months. Sunlight can cause scarring and uneven pigmentation. If you need to be in the sun, wear a hat, cap, or sunscreen with SPF 30 to 50.

Can I Go to Work After Hair Transplant? It depends on your job. If you work in an office, you can return 3-5 days after the surgery. If you work outdoors, avoid strenuous work for the first 14 days.

Can I Travel After the Procedure? You can travel, but be cautious with your recipient area and avoid touching or bumping your head.

Will I Need to Visit the Clinic After the Procedure? Unless there is an emergency, you do not need to visit Hair Garden Clinic. Your case manager and doctors will monitor your progress. Send photos of the transplanted area for our team to check your healing process.

What Should I Do If My Swelling Progresses? Apply cold compresses for 10 minutes every hour and a gentle massage to relieve swelling.

When Can I Start Drinking Tea or Coffee? You can have caffeine-based beverages the day after surgery. However, avoid them on the day of the surgery to prevent excessive bleeding, as caffeine can dilate blood vessels.

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